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  • Writer's pictureHelen Avaient

Prepare to Travel - A month to declutter - Day Sixteen - Kids Stuff

Welcome to day 16 of decluttering to free your home and your mind. The purpose of decluttering is not to get rid of everything, it is to keep those things that still have meaning to you and discard those that no longer serve their purpose.

Another hard task, what to do with the physical items that have great memories? My children have grown and left home. Their childhood toys etc. ended up remaining at home with me. I often think I value these items more than my children do, and sometimes think, "when they are older, they will want them, and be glad I kept them."

This is another Just In Case situation that was cluttering up my home, garage, and storage space. When it came time to get rid of the storage container I had in the backyard, I hired a mini skip for rubbish disposal. The household bin was just not up to the task. Broken toys, incomplete games and jigsaws etc went straight to the skip.

Next, I had a big plastic storage bins, one for each child, and a few for things that were definite keepsakes. Each time I found an item belonging to a certain one of my children, it went in their designated bin. When they receive it, it will be up to them to determine its value to them. I am delegating this responsibility.

The memories attached to a lot of the items were valuable, so I took photographs. These will remind me of the memory, without having the physical item taking up space in my home.

I did keep some of their toys, the lego etc. This comes in handy for visiting children. It is all in a large box now, tidy and easily accessible.

Some items I did sell, those that had value. Others I gave to friends and neighbour's children, and watched their joy as these precious items of my children became loved again.

Any stuffed toy, such as a teddy bear can be donated to a SIDS (sudden infant death) group. They give them items to grieving parents who have lost a child. When my grandson was born prematurely and passed away, the family received a parcel from a SIDS group at the hospital and they named the toy bear after my grandson. It was such a lovely gift.

Lastly, I gave a lot away, putting them on the grass outside my home, with a large sign saying "Free, Please take what you want". The toys were gone within two hours. I imagine their delighted faces when they play with them.

Remember, you are not getting rid of the memories, you are letting items be loved again.

Reward yourself with something special after this cleanse today. You deserve it, this was highly emotional!

Please feel free to comment about your decluttering experience, and enjoy the rest of the decluttering series.

Happy Travels!

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